Defeating the Voices of Self-Hate
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What do you do when your ego is tormenting you to compare, doubt, fear and judge your very being in this world?
The pain of your ego's story will ALWAYS be tempting you away from love. This is its job and it is very, very good at it. It will always try to hold the louder voice in your head... the louder feeling in your body. It will always try to seduce you away from feeling love in and for, yourself. ALWAYS. So you have to learn to defeat it. And only YOU have the power to do this - no one else. You do it by using all of your strength and might to CHOOSE LOVE in the face of everything your ego is screaming at you. You choose love by 'feeling' love. And you get to the feeling of love by saying (out loud where possible)...........
"I love you Great Spirit. I love you in me. I love how you shine so bright in me. I love how you sing and write through me. I love you even in the face of all of my worst fears. I love you even though I don't fully understand you. I love you."
And if you still can't feel the love, you do it anyway... You love Spirit even when you can't feel it and all you're feeling is the other… (And just because you can't see or feel Spirit doesn't mean it's not there listening to you, working hard to transform you). Then you add........
"Great Spirit, all of these voices and feelings are an illusion. I want you to lift them out of me as I fall in love with you even deeper. You are the only thing that's real. You are my lover. It's all about you and I love you Great Spirit."
And you do this until love becomes your only reality. YOU DO THIS UNTIL YOU CREATE ONLY LOVE IN YOUR THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND ACTIONS. Even if it takes years, decades, lifetimes. This is the divine love affair in the making. You can't skip the hard stuff and go straight to an enlightened state of being........
Here's a tip....... PRO-ACTIVELY choosing love in the face of your ego's clever story is precisely 'how' you awaken yourself. This is how you learn to perform alchemy and become your own alchemist. You do it by grabbing the horns of your own voices and feelings of self-hate and actively wrestling with them until only love prevails..... You sweat, kick, toil, try harder, keep going, try again, love some more, give up, fall down, get back up again, go for transformational walks where you give your ego a good talking to, sweat some more, get on your knees, hug your pillow, write songs for spirit, dance for spirit, give hugs, confess your vulnerability, do the opposite and get back up and do it all over again... As many times as your contract with Spirit entails. And please note: If you show this level of enthusiasm towards the Universe in your thoughts and actions, let me tell you, the Universe WILL TAKE NOTICE.
I did this for years and just when I thought it was all over and it couldn't get any darker, I popped through the veil of illusion and out the other side. But YOU must commit to choosing this love within yourself first. It's the only way. How many people do you think are doing this in the world? Seriously, how many? All those who come to the end of their creation of suffering on this planet, wake up to this final challenge. I AM THE CREATOR AND I HAVE BEEN CREATING ALL OF IT ALL ALONG. Now it's time to wake up and create love. Choosing and creating love is the ONLY thing that will defeat these voices and feelings. Otherwise, they will be there forever. So get cracking. Be one of the bright lights who choose love in the face of all else, and step out of the rat race of unconscious suffering. This is YOUR time and it is YOUR CHOICE.
And Remember the Buddha's teaching of Zen meditation....... All of these thoughts (which create your feelings) are but passing clouds - temporary and always changing. Keep your focus on the SUN. Dare to hunt for the sun in this lifetime and you will be rewarded with the greatest prize.
Jennifer Millar © copyright 2016. All rights reserved.