Cellular Transformation - Jennifer Millar

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Trusting Your Intuition, Even When It’s Wrong!

When you trust your intuition and it walks you into a “worse-off” situation, one where you feel disconnected or maybe even traumatized, how do you interpret this for yourself?

I just had a client assume he had done something really wrong because trusting his intuition walked him into unexpected confusion. He questioned if the expansion he followed was actually an ego projection on his part. This was my response: 

Whether the expansion you followed was a projection or not, it is still good that you trusted it because ultimately there is something your spirit wants you to see.

“Trusting and following the path of expansion does not mean trusting and following the path of "perfection.”

It is not a guaranteed pain-free path paved with golden bricks all the way through until you die - one where “if you do it right” everything will work out perfectly each time. This is how our ego would like to interpret the path of expansion, but more often than not when we follow what expands us (ie: follow the universe), we are walking into our blind spots. This is how Greater Mind exposes our complex patterns and traumas.

It is also how Greater Mind walks us into “someone else’s” shadow because it knows we are paying attention to the energy and will therefore address their ego patterns, giving them an opportunity to heal.

“When we follow the path of expansion, we follow the path of healing, not the path of “how to get it right.”

So trusting and going where you feel expansion does not mean things will work out the way you had pictured. It means that you are trusting a greater intelligence than your own to walk you through life in a manner that promotes transformation, education, and awakening. Even if the feeling of “expansion” you followed was your excitable ego at play, you will still have learned the invaluable lesson of what not to trust next time!

The better way of looking at it is this:

“Follow what expands you until it starts to contract you, then take the most loving and effective action necessary to get back to expansion again.”

This process of getting from contraction back to expansion is what transforms and empowers you.

In other words, it’s ok to follow the pull of expansion in your world until you start to feel a contraction. For example, when you no longer feel attracted to or connected to the person or project, begin addressing the shift by communicating it or taking some space until you find enough clarity to communicate it through whichever action is necessary. Don’t let your mind kick in and say that you missed something at the start just because the project or relationship is “going sour” now. That’s your ego trying to distract you from what you should be doing which is moving forward no matter what, taking the next suitable action necessary to create love and expansion again. To do this you can’t waste time judging what you might have done wrong in the past. That’s just an ego decoy.

Instead, stay present, judge not, and trust that you were meant to do this project or go deeper with this person because the energy guided you to do so, and you trust energy no matter what. Now it’s simply changing course, like a river, and even though you may have to let go of your fantasy of how things could have gone, it always works out better to surrender to Spirit’s plan, because Spirit knows your highest needs and everyone else’s better than you do!

“Never doubt what you have trusted, especially when you think you’ve messed up.”

A better thing to do is drop back down to your center and say, “Inner guidance, now what? Please show me what’s going on energetically. What just shifted and why? Give me the clarity I need to figure this out, clean it up and get back to love and expansion as soon as possible.”

Then trust the next piece of guidance the universe gives you.

In a nutshell:

“Treat Expansion Like It’s Your Ultimate Teacher: the one that gives you the lessons you need versus the lessons you want.”

I trusted the most powerful voice and pull of expansion to date by separating from my husband, convinced at the time that even though it was going to be terrifyingly scary, everything would expand exponentially. Little did I know what I was in for. I took a nose-dive into hell for over two years, clearing out nothing but contraction… a lifetime of contraction.

During this time I battled with so much doubt about “what” I was trusting or “why” I was trusting this voice of knowingness. But I hung in there. The voice/expansion/truth/feminine/spirit/intuition I was trusting knew exactly what she was doing with me. She was cleaning me out. She knew how to heal and cleanse me of ancient old-female programs but couldn’t unlock them until I made this leap. Even though I was being suffocated by contraction, convinced I had messed up big time, this was what was leaving me. The reason it was coming out is because I did trust her, and sometimes we have to take massive action based on a monumental leap of trust to shake up ancient cellular patterns.

Once the clouds of contraction eventually passed, however, I could see the brilliance of what I and she had done together, realizing with hindsight that expansion and a magnificent level of growth was the prevalent force all along.

“Choose to always trust the information given to you by Greater Mind in your center. Always trust that deep part of yourself. Always know that you are right to follow it.”

And when the world comes crashing down on you because you did, then take the attitude, “Wow, this is interesting Great Spirit! Thank you for walking me into this mess. If this is my blind spot, bring it right out into the open so I can see and own it in all its glory. If this is old chaos unlocking because I finally backed up you - you: my deepest truth - then purge me of this fear that has been suppressing me for lifetimes, while I keep moving forward with even greater trust and passion..!”

Jennifer Millar © copyright 2019. All rights reserved.