welcome to OUR NEW online CT THEORY course!

“Deepening INTO Spirit and Working With The Power Of The Hara”

SUNDAY Jan. 26th to Feb. 23rd, 2025

- Registration closes Sunday 14th! -

This month-long course will dive into the two fundamental principles of the Cellular Transformation process:

1) The “Divine Love Affair”: developing an intimate bond with Spirit in your body/mind/life and cultivating that bond until it becomes a transformational partnership.

2) The “Language Of Energy”: learning to receive guidance and direction from the intuitive intelligence within your hara.

On the path of healing and awakening, the divine love affair (and its physical anchor: the hara) is the most important of all relationships. It is the root of transformational love and a source of great wisdom and clarity in our lives. As we learn to hear and act upon the language of energy (the Tao), we live according to the basic principles of divine intelligence. These principles and their practices are powerful door openersEmbodying their transformational potential is as simple as showing up every day and putting the time and effort in to create the connection, even if only for a few minutes here and there.   

With the support of like-minded seekers and two highly committed CT mentors, you will 

  • Apply the Cellular Transformation process in your own body and life.

  • Overcome resistance, fear, and doubt toward deepening your connection with Spirit.

  • Read and act upon the language of energy.

  • Understand the role and function of the Hara/Dantian.

  • Implement daily practices to strengthen your dantians (power centers).

  • Practice Transformational Prayer and Observer Consciousness.

  • Unlock old imprints of limitation and their subsequent blockages.

  • Embrace the healing power of gratitude.

  • Understand the masculine and feminine principles of energy.

  • Practice silent meditation.

  • Work directly with Transformational Energies in two CT Healing Circles.

  • Engage weekly with your Spirit Buddy and mentor.

For those who have done this course before, we will include new homework questions again to reflect upon and deepen your healing and awakening journey. We're excited to come together and retake this life-changing course, to discover the fresh, new, powerful insights and healings it has in store for us, and to invite the light to work with whatever we're dealing with right now in our lives. We look forward to stoking the transformational fire through the winter season and to keeping this fire burning bright through daily practice, prayer, support, mentoring, and healing circles. We plan on using the collective power of the sangha as accountability to our own spiritual path and growth by carving out the time in our busy lives to put Spirit first, even if only for five minutes a day!

For those who are new to CT, this course will offer:

  • An introduction to the basic teachings of Cellular Transformation.

  • A solid foundation for stepping into the power of CT Workshops.

  • An experience of the transformational power of CT in a manner that allows you to assimilate the teachings from the safety of your own home, yet with ongoing support from a mentor and online sangha.

  • The opportunity to connect with like-minded seekers from the CT Path.

  • A way to experience and develop a real-world, interwoven relationship with Spirit and the Language Of Energy in your everyday life.

  • An opportunity to ask questions about the CT process. 

PLEASE NOTE: Cellular Transformation tends to unlock what currently stands in the way of living the most expanded version of yourself, so you should expect to confront old wounds and patterns of limitation as the course unfolds. 


  • SUNDAY Jan. 26 - Feb. 23, 2025

  • pending demand, we may run a second group alongside: SATURDAY Jan 25 - Feb 22, 2025




  • You must have completed a CT workshop with Jennifer before, OR, if you are new to CT or it has been some time since you attended a workshop, you must schedule a private session with Charlotte or Sidhamo beforehand. Find info here: www.jennifermillar.org/ct-facilitators

  • All participants must complete the Online CT Questionnaire to determine if this course is suitable.

  • Please review our Terms & Conditions for canceling courses here.



  • 4-week course

  • Three online group meetings with two CT mentors

  • Written homework assignment each week with feedback from your mentor

  • 30-minute (minimum) weekly sharing with your Spirit Buddy

  • Additional exercises to do on your own (30 minutes daily recommended)

  • Pod group for sharing and support

  • Course booklet in PDF format

  • Daily meditation (via Zoom)

  • CT Theory Certificate


Charlotte Uslar - Global Manager of Cellular Transformation (15+ years on the CT path). Facilitator of CT groups and private sessions, as well as continuously studying with founder, Jennifer Millar. Architect, single mother, and passionate dancer. Lives in Cologne, Germany. - www.charlotteuslar.com

Sidhamo Flyr - World traveler/seeker, deeply connected to plant medicine, the jungle, and spirit. (13+ years on the CT path). Facilitator at DIMA (CT Teaching Program/CT Men’s Circle/Man-In). Regular assistant in the Path of Love. Passion for photography, spirit, and truth. 

"At the heart of this potent healing modality is to have a personal, intimate bond with the divine and to follow the cues of “Greater Intelligence” in every aspect of life. This course offers the proven tools and practices to make Spirit your #1 relationship and to learn the Language of Energy, that tangible guidance of Greater Intelligence in your center. It kickstarts your everyday practice of building these two pillars in your own body and shifting into making the CT healing structure a powerful lifestyle. This practice will carve the neural pathways in your body to follow the Universe’s cues into an expanded reality. You will be empowered to take charge of your own healing journey and transformation." - CHARLOTTE

"This course is designed to help us go even deeper into our connection with Spirit, with the daily practical applications of reading and addressing the energy. We are learning to integrate the structure of Cellular Transformation, to build the muscle memory in our dantian, helping us to act from our centers instead of our minds. Building this relationship with Spirit and my dantian has been one of the greatest gifts in my life and it is such a pleasure to get to share it with others. The tools of CT provide me with the inner structure I need to come out of the jungle, after having worked with plant medicines, and integrate deep healings into my physical life."


“Hey Jen,

Thank you for the amazing online theory course. Personally for me it was such an incredible journey and dance with this story "you're wrong", shame, guilt, and fear.  The belief that something in me is inherently flawed and harmful to others. Through the journey of this course this story became so much more conscious, to the point where I have been describing my current reality as "a way that I saw the world and saw myself crumbling away.. exposing something new, something I don't know yet". That is where I am now, this space of ..where am I now!  

The way this course was channeled from Spirit through you and into our collective field was remarkable, so much energy moved, we all really worked it together. The structure of pods and spirit buddy connection was inspired, it was so perfect. Our pod was magic, and we are still keeping in touch and supporting each other on our journeys. 

Having practices to connect to Spirit is so beautiful. I think the one that has stayed with me most is talking to Spirit as a friend and companion, and listening to my hara and making decisions from there. Feeling the yes and no and backing them up. My challenge is 100% in backing up the energy, and that's an ongoing project.

The homework felt so on point as well, every question invited deep introspection, and I felt such a sweet balance of joy and uncomfortable self exploration in the homework. 

It felt like being in a workshop for a month! And the energy so so noticeably changed pretty much as soon as the course ended, I felt like I had popped out of circle space into my life again, with energy going elsewhere and flowing so differently. It was fine, very noticeable, and though it was a bit jarring it felt clean. I'm noticing the need now to hold my commitment to connecting to Spirit.

My prayer for this course was to love myself so much that I would open the doors for the next layers of awareness to rise. And sure enough, not only did I pop out of a crippling belief that I am wrong and always going to be second fiddle to someone else, but I am beginning to uncover and wade into shadowy pieces in my consciousness around sex, exploitation, and deep deep wounding in the feminine energy in my being. And I'm loving myself more and more, even with this challenging material rising.

I am so so so grateful to you for this amazing course and I love you and am in deep gratitude to you for being a teacher in my life.” - Be - British Columbia, Canada


“Dear Jennifer,

First of all I want to thank you and the mentors for this amazing course you developed. I felt so much taken care of and was overwhelmed to see, how much work, effort and support you put into this training. And a really big "thank you" to you Jennifer, cause I really love your workbook. It's so beautiful and rich to read, and I bow down for all the experience and what you went through to create it. Reading again and again brings me a deeper understanding of what is it about. Also I sometimes think, it’s such a long way to go, getting and feeling it all together and trying not to stand too much in my own way. 

Writing this, I just was thinking of my miracle, which was for me to come closer to Spirit, to deepen my relationship with her/him/it. And through following the homework and all what popped up in these 4 weeks, I can say I came closer, I deepened the relationship and still do.

I really loved to do this process especially during my normal life. Doing my work and living, and at the same time deepen the connection, being aware of my hara, and trying to follow all the lines you were pointing out. Sometimes I felt so overwhelmed by all what came up. Sometimes I just felt so connected and happy with being on my own. I really loved the long walks in nature, talking, feeling, sometimes crying, screaming. Always came home feeling more connected just by doing it, and following the guidelines.

But there were also many moments of doubts, and seeing my program, which is running me since a long time. But with the support of the little pods, our mentors and the daily meditations, I made my way. I’m so grateful meeting you.

A big hug,” - Ajeya - Germany


“Dear Jennifer,

This ‘course’ was like an intense four weeks workshop with Great Spirit for me. The experience of living my everyday life alongside with the commitment to following the steps of the course was really enlightening to me: How juicy life can be if I include Great Spirit and my Inner Guidance consciously and with dedication every day. And being supported by this beautiful bunch of people dedicated to walking the path, the mentors, the friends in the whole group and in the pod and Jennifer in the background is unbelievably precious. 

The dynamic that developed through the setting, the course book, the homework with feedback given to it, the two weekly meetings in the whole group, the exchange in the pod and with the spirit buddy – was enormous reinforcing the connection to Great Spirit. I am absolutely grateful for this and I feel a warm joy rising thinking of it. It makes me want to dance, take up a spirit dance a day again!

I would not call the course a Theory-Course because most of all I experienced it as very practical in the sense of hands-on. The course book is amazing, dear Jennifer, and I loved to read it thoroughly. In every sentence there is so much wisdom given with such a generosity by you and worded so beautifully – I really enjoy the way it is written, so vividly and in a beautiful language. Thank you also for that! And I am happy to have the course book so I can repeat reading it and looking up all those practical exercises for example.

Our mentor, Charlotte, invested all her wisdom grounded in her strong connection to Great Spirit in supporting us with so much honesty, love and good humor. Thank you so much, Charlotte! And the pod and group members that decided to jump in and trust and dared to fuck it up – just as the mentors as well by the way – they functioned like representatives of Great Spirit for me or like anchors in the process. I am happy I finally find this moment to gush about the experience the course was for me and how it is set up. Thank you, Jennifer, Charlotte, Sidhamo, JJ, Sarah and all the other friends!” - Dorothée - Cologne, Germany


“Beloved Jennifer,

Since I met Jennifer and the CT work, I experienced many miracles, major healings, and transformations. I always longed to anchor myself in this way of connecting with the Divine—prayer, healing and most of all learning to connect with my inner guidance. In this course, Jennifer pours her heart and soul and shares her experience how to keep in touch with the inner guidance with exercises and a detailed tool box. Reading her text book felt like drinking from the nectar… 

She and her wonderful team of mentors provided us a safe and loving container and a playground to practice straight away what we've been learning. Again I experienced a lot of healings, openings, and found a deep and strong connection with the Universe inside of me. I started to hear its messages a bit more clearly.

I am very thankful for this precious opportunity and I keep on "toning the divine muscle.” If you have a similar longing to feel and strengthen this connection to your inner guidance, I highly recommend you to take this course.” - Mridu Gokce A. Hertlein, Architect, Counselor, member of Path of Love team.