CT Events with Junior facilitators

NOTE: If you are new to CT and are interested in joining the
Cellular Transformation™ Online Healing Circles for Couples with Manisha & Prani,
we require that both parties have done a CT workshop with any of the CT team (see > workshops and upcoming events below).


Charlotte Uslar — Global Manager of Cellular Transformation™. Facilitator of Online CT Theory Courses, CT groups and private sessions. Architect, single mother, and passionate dancer. Lives in Cologne, Germany.

COLOGNE - Jan 12 + Mar 16, 2025
ONLINE - Jan 13 + Feb 17 + May 5, 2025 (in German)

50€ Healing Circles

Cologne: 2pm - 6pm
Online: 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Charlotte Uslar


The CT Healing Circles in Cologne or online with Charlotte Uslar are a great way to introduce yourself to the Cellular Transformation™ Healing Process. In CT Healing Circles we sit together in sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the universe in a way that is direct, personal, and transformative. By listening to and backing up the universal language of energy, this process takes our body, mind, and soul through metamorphosis. Incorporating various psycho-spiritual practices and dynamic group work, CT Healing Circles offer an empowering experience that teaches us how to trust our own inner guidance system above all else.

What to expect:

Upon entering the healing space, you will sit in a circle and meditate to spiritual music for about 25 minutes. The facilitator will then begin the healing process with an invocation to the Great Spirit. You may feel different sensations in your body and emotions as the healing energies/light begins working within you and the others in the room. This is normal. You will have plenty of opportunities to share and communicate how you are feeling during the healing process. 

“Coming together in sacred space is one of my most favorite things in the world! Whenever we show up and consciously include Spirit/Divine Intelligence, healing and awakening happens.” CHARLOTTE


Kanika Frings — Co-Founder and Leader at DIMA Centre for Conscious Living, Seeker, Holistic Counselor. Lives at DIMA, Mallorca.

MUNICH - January 18, 2025
GENT - February 1 - 2, 2025
AMSTERDAM - March 1 - 2, 2025

€130 - €275

10am - 7pm

Kanika Frings


In these non-residential Cellular Transformation™ Workshops, we will sit together in sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the Universe in a way that is direct, personal and transformative. By listening to and backing up the universal language of energy, this process takes our body, mind and soul through a metamorphosis. It is an empowering process that teaches us to trust our own inner guidance system above all else. By incorporating deep listening, with various psycho-spiritual practices in dynamic group work aimed at exposing and healing blind-spots and re-awakening our inherent clarity and strength, we allow ourselves to become available for greater expansion and connectedness.

In these workshops we will:

• Tune into the energy currents of the field and move with what is needed to transform blockages and allow for life flow to lead us

• Learn to hear, trust, express and communicate what is seen and felt with great sensitivity and love

• Develop a direct and personal relationship to the divine, the Great Spirit that is the all-pervasive source of wisdom, love and freedom. We invite in divine help and practice surrendering to its will and its guidance coming through our center.

“Cellular Transformation™ is a profound wisdom and skill transmitted to me by Jennifer Millar, our amazing teacher and friend, to whom I am indescribably grateful for her ceaseless generosity of love and trust in supporting me to offer this life changing work whilst she trains me. Being a continuous student I am humbled and honoured by the opportunity to be a custodian to this modality of divine intelligence as I practice, learn and teach simultaneously, walking and sharing this path in my own unique and personal way.” KANIKA


Sidhamo Flyr — World seeker, Facilitator at DIMA (CT Teaching Program/CT Men’s Circle/Man-In). Regular assistant in the Path of Love. Holistic Counselor. Passion for photography, spirit, and truth. Lives at DIMA, Mallorca.

DIMA MALLORCA - June 20 - 22, 2025

€345 *excluding food & accommodation

10am - approx. 7pm

Sidhamo Flyr


DIMA Centre for Conscious Living
07240 Sant Joan

A 3-day Cellular Transformation™ retreat with men, for men.

“For many of us men, we never had healthy masculine role models in our life. Men we could look up to, that could stand grounded in the full power of their masculinity. A potent masculinity that embodied and expressed the full range of masculine energy, from the deepest vulnerabilities, to the formidable strength of purpose. Men that were courageous enough to express and own their emotions, from a clean healthy anger, to sensitivity and joy. We will explore how we can remove the blockages to embodying these traits within ourselves, and in doing so, begin the journey of becoming the men we have always longed to see in the world.” SIDHAMO

In this residential retreat we will:

  • Use the foundations of Cellular Transformation™ to open us up to a greater wisdom

  • Explore and inquire into what stands in the way of us living our true masculinity

  • Build strong and meaningful connections with other men who are willing to show up and do the work

  • Learn to drop down out of our exhausted minds into the place of our deeper wisdom and truth.

  • Address the old toxic masculine behaviours that have led to us losing our connection to self, others and the planet 

  • Learn the power of owning and expressing our anger and frustrations

  • Find strength in exploring our vulnerabilities and facing our shame

  • Find purpose in discovering and embodying a healthy and powerful masculinity


Written by Jennifer Millar © copyright 2024. All rights reserved.